Its time again to post a sweet blog. I have a fucken amazing amount of followers, so this is for you guys.....not really. Its just stuff im getting excited about and things that give me nightmares.
The Bad News:
Well nothing bad has happened to me, but I sure as fuck would not like this to happen. After hearing about this I have a whole new level of fear. Can you imagine being in a shitful car crash? then on a separate note being swarmed by bees? or better still, being in a shitful car crash with a bee truck, and, then being swarmed by bees? and having no one to rescue you because they are getting stung by killer, goddamn, motherfucking bees. FUCK THAT!
The Good News:
On a lighter note that doesnt involve bees. I got tickets to see Anticon artist Why? at the East Brunswick Club in December. If you dont know who Why? is, I suggest you go buy one of the albums, cancel all plans, lock yourself in your bedroom with some beers and a joint and dont come out until you have realised the magic. Though the beers and joint isnt necessary to enjoy the music, it will certainly help. This guy has a delivery that makes Kanye "im a fuckhead" West look as bad as a late Milkman. (trust me, I know what its like to deliver the milk late)
Its their first time in Australia and its going to be awesome. I just hope old mate Sack doesnt show up.
In other great news I saw the trailer for The Road. I reckon it will be good but some people have a different opinion. Apparently the book is really good, but im the type of person who waits for the movie. For a number of reasons, firstly because I dont have the patience or time to read a huge book and because with movies, all the thinking and guess work is done for you. But I suppose that puts a dampener on your imagination and reading is good for your brain and that shit but, fuck, who really cares. Movies are rad. Books are boring. Oh and Nick Cave and Warren Ellis have done the score for it, so that will be interesting. The stuff they did for The Proposition was pretty good.
Ummm what else?..... this weekend im going to soulmamas vegetarian restaurant in St Kilda. Its BYO meat and animal products, so I will fit right in. Afterwards we are heading to the Dali exhibition if its not to busy. Its 24hours this Saturday only and closes Sunday arvo. I best see it while its here other wise ill regret it. I dont think Jasmine is that into it, but she will just have to put up with it. My 3 year old Son went with his Mother and said it was really boring. Maybe he is just like me with the movie thing. Why dont they make a movie about the exhibition so my Son and I dont have get off the couch to experience the awesomeness, and the fridge isnt so far away! Fuck, im turning American. And my belly is getting bigger.
After that the options are, go and see Bendigo band, Bang! Bang! Aids! at the Birmingham. That will be sweet. See some old friends and get my drink on a plenty.
Go to Morgans probably shit party. Any suggestions people?
Beer, drums, beer, Jasmine, food, wine, movie, sleep.
Signing off.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
oh, what a night
Last Saturday was bloody awesome. I know what your thinking dear readers, why are you telling us now? The answer is its taken me this long to put the pieces together and find some photos. Ill try to tell the story in a timeline of the events happening. This is how I recall it.
We (smurfinger) had a gig in Castlemaine above stonemans bookroom. It was for the Wicked City launch. All bands played brilliantly and rocked the fucking house. It was packed and everyone was in a good mood.
We decided to do something a little different and dress up. Or in my case, dress down. This is what I looked like:

We played like mad men and got sweaty as fuck. I had a massive sweat stain on the front of those little shorts, it looked like i pissed myself. But I didnt. I even recited a verse from I love a sunburnt country.
So I put my regular clothes back on and headed down stairs to see some old friends and breath the fresh Castlemaine air. Thats when I bumped in to an old mate. Lets call him "Sack" yep old mate Ballsack alright. Old faithful, old trustworthy, old chump. You get the picture. He was a little sheepish bit I just shrugged it off and went about my business because I couldnt care less what he had to say. But as I was crossing the road he felt like he needed a word with me. So he started a little tough guy dance and finger pointing thing that made me think, is that Sylvester Stallone on smack? Turns out it wasnt that bad, somewhere along the line a roumor started, that I started a roumor about his brother not having cancer. Truth be known, just because I dont really like the guy and 98% of what comes out of his mouth is bullshit, doesnt mean I would go out of my way to put him down like that. Its harsh. And I have sympathy for him. On a lot of levels.
With that out the way it was part time. I danced like a muppet doing the limp wristed wobble dance. It gave me a killer sore neck the next day. But it was well worth it.
The party then continued on at the botanical gardens. So many people showed up and it was fucking cold but we used the BBQs for warmth and someone started a fire.
I dont remember much after that but yelling into the megaphone "we are getting married!" and the festivities really kicked off then.
Jasmine and I expressed our love a little more than usual and announced the big news. It wasnt what I had planned but I guess it was ok. I was off my face and was definitely feeling the love. So in answer to all your questions and congratulations, one day we will get married, but not anytime soon.
I woke in the morning and the first thing I said was "can you get me a pastie from the Maldon Bakery" and my dreams came true. All in all a success.
We sold a few CDs and made some money off the door. I thought to myself, we should really try and organise another event like this, but its the sort of thing that just happens. If you over plan it, nothing goes to plan.
Im kind of lost for words now. Not much happened this weekend just gone. Apart from going to Maryborough for Jasmine grandparents 50th anniversary. Maryborough is balls, old people have saggy balls but they are polite. Not so much to me. And the eat soft mushy food, wich i dont mind.
Oh thats right! my douche bag brother made my housemate put my car a few blocks away, so I would think it was stolen. It didnt work because the first thing I did was ring Aaron. He tried to play dumb but I could see right through him. So I got a lift 2 blocks away and drove my car home and went to sleep. I wasnt even angry, only slightly inconvenienced by about 2 mins 30 seconds. Nice try dickheads.
Bon Jovi.
We (smurfinger) had a gig in Castlemaine above stonemans bookroom. It was for the Wicked City launch. All bands played brilliantly and rocked the fucking house. It was packed and everyone was in a good mood.
We decided to do something a little different and dress up. Or in my case, dress down. This is what I looked like:

We played like mad men and got sweaty as fuck. I had a massive sweat stain on the front of those little shorts, it looked like i pissed myself. But I didnt. I even recited a verse from I love a sunburnt country.
So I put my regular clothes back on and headed down stairs to see some old friends and breath the fresh Castlemaine air. Thats when I bumped in to an old mate. Lets call him "Sack" yep old mate Ballsack alright. Old faithful, old trustworthy, old chump. You get the picture. He was a little sheepish bit I just shrugged it off and went about my business because I couldnt care less what he had to say. But as I was crossing the road he felt like he needed a word with me. So he started a little tough guy dance and finger pointing thing that made me think, is that Sylvester Stallone on smack? Turns out it wasnt that bad, somewhere along the line a roumor started, that I started a roumor about his brother not having cancer. Truth be known, just because I dont really like the guy and 98% of what comes out of his mouth is bullshit, doesnt mean I would go out of my way to put him down like that. Its harsh. And I have sympathy for him. On a lot of levels.
With that out the way it was part time. I danced like a muppet doing the limp wristed wobble dance. It gave me a killer sore neck the next day. But it was well worth it.
The party then continued on at the botanical gardens. So many people showed up and it was fucking cold but we used the BBQs for warmth and someone started a fire.
I dont remember much after that but yelling into the megaphone "we are getting married!" and the festivities really kicked off then.
Jasmine and I expressed our love a little more than usual and announced the big news. It wasnt what I had planned but I guess it was ok. I was off my face and was definitely feeling the love. So in answer to all your questions and congratulations, one day we will get married, but not anytime soon.
I woke in the morning and the first thing I said was "can you get me a pastie from the Maldon Bakery" and my dreams came true. All in all a success.
We sold a few CDs and made some money off the door. I thought to myself, we should really try and organise another event like this, but its the sort of thing that just happens. If you over plan it, nothing goes to plan.
Im kind of lost for words now. Not much happened this weekend just gone. Apart from going to Maryborough for Jasmine grandparents 50th anniversary. Maryborough is balls, old people have saggy balls but they are polite. Not so much to me. And the eat soft mushy food, wich i dont mind.
Oh thats right! my douche bag brother made my housemate put my car a few blocks away, so I would think it was stolen. It didnt work because the first thing I did was ring Aaron. He tried to play dumb but I could see right through him. So I got a lift 2 blocks away and drove my car home and went to sleep. I wasnt even angry, only slightly inconvenienced by about 2 mins 30 seconds. Nice try dickheads.
Bon Jovi.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thailand edition
well, I said I would post some stuff about Thailand so here it is:
short version:
1; whent to Thailand on an airplane
2; got drunk and rode a scooter
3; shopped like we where fucking possessed
4; airplane home again
long version, if your interested:
Well pretty much as above but with more details.
Firstly Ive been planning, and planning only, a big trip across Europe and Morocco but things kept getting pushed back. So I decided a quick trip to Thailand as a surprise for my girlfriend would satisfy the travel bug for now.
We spent 8 days in Phuket first up. After having the shit hassled out of us as soon as we left the hotel grounds and quickly getting the hang of bartering and getting ripped off, we decided to get a scooter to buzz around on. This was one of the best parts for me. The freedom, the wind in my white sunburnt face, absolutely insane traffic, 10cc under my balls and Jasmine on the back with a video camera.
We named the scooter 'Kitten'. It was beutiful. I could ride wherever Jasmine would let me. And no one was trying to rip us off and sell useless nick nack items only sentimental grandmothers could want.
I was getting pretty sick of people trying to be my friend, complimenting my moustache and yelling "aussie aussie aussie" in order for me to buy some useless shit or quirky T-shirt that didnt translate that well into English. So this one guy came up to me and said "hey my friend i love your handlebar moustache where are you from?" to wich I replied "Sweden" thinking that will teach you for hassling me you fuck face. And then I heard him say "vilken roll Sverige kommer du ifrån?" and I just starred at him, realising I was the fuck face and said "huh?" with a kind of yogi bear tone. He repeated in Swedish and then said "your not from Sweden are you"
So it back fired and the guy still tryed to sell me a tailored suit and some other shit untill Jasmine dragged me away.
I havent uploaded any photos because they are either of me drunk with a red face, Jasmines cleavage or some mistreated animals at the Phuket zoo. How ever we did get a video cam and filmed heaps of us riding on Kitten and doing stupid tourist things. Ill upload it oneday (when i figure out how to edit out things you dont need to hear)
I best be off now. Olly wants to play some songs and Jasmine is cooking me kangabangas.
So off I fuck.
short version:
1; whent to Thailand on an airplane
2; got drunk and rode a scooter
3; shopped like we where fucking possessed
4; airplane home again
long version, if your interested:
Well pretty much as above but with more details.
Firstly Ive been planning, and planning only, a big trip across Europe and Morocco but things kept getting pushed back. So I decided a quick trip to Thailand as a surprise for my girlfriend would satisfy the travel bug for now.
We spent 8 days in Phuket first up. After having the shit hassled out of us as soon as we left the hotel grounds and quickly getting the hang of bartering and getting ripped off, we decided to get a scooter to buzz around on. This was one of the best parts for me. The freedom, the wind in my white sunburnt face, absolutely insane traffic, 10cc under my balls and Jasmine on the back with a video camera.
We named the scooter 'Kitten'. It was beutiful. I could ride wherever Jasmine would let me. And no one was trying to rip us off and sell useless nick nack items only sentimental grandmothers could want.
I was getting pretty sick of people trying to be my friend, complimenting my moustache and yelling "aussie aussie aussie" in order for me to buy some useless shit or quirky T-shirt that didnt translate that well into English. So this one guy came up to me and said "hey my friend i love your handlebar moustache where are you from?" to wich I replied "Sweden" thinking that will teach you for hassling me you fuck face. And then I heard him say "vilken roll Sverige kommer du ifrån?" and I just starred at him, realising I was the fuck face and said "huh?" with a kind of yogi bear tone. He repeated in Swedish and then said "your not from Sweden are you"
So it back fired and the guy still tryed to sell me a tailored suit and some other shit untill Jasmine dragged me away.
I havent uploaded any photos because they are either of me drunk with a red face, Jasmines cleavage or some mistreated animals at the Phuket zoo. How ever we did get a video cam and filmed heaps of us riding on Kitten and doing stupid tourist things. Ill upload it oneday (when i figure out how to edit out things you dont need to hear)
I best be off now. Olly wants to play some songs and Jasmine is cooking me kangabangas.
So off I fuck.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
long time bloggee, first time blogger
I decided to start a blog. Firstly to let you know what ive been doing and the shit that happens around me. I mite even do a gig guide and some other shit if get my head around it and blog steady for a reasonable amount of time.
So this is what i did today:

A politically incorrect sales flyer to try and create some hype but so far have had no luck.
I first thought of this last night and then got on a magic carpet of puns and lounged on it until it landed somewhere in the middle east. Probably Iraq or iRACK should have been slipped in somewhere.
Anyways, until next time.
I mite upload some shit about Thailand soon.
Keep it well jackson.
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