Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Recycling, cycling and cycles

So Ive just moved into a new house. Settling in, and familiarising myself with all the new things like the light switches, shower pressure, toilet roll holder, how many steps from the bed to the front door, the noises the house makes when its windy, the other houses in the street, nearby milk bars, when to put the wheelie bins out....when to put the wheelie bins out? At fucking 7am this morning! thats when I put the god damn wheelie bins out. Jasmine and I went for a bike ride around the burbs last night, and I made a point of looking for wheelie bins. None to be seen, not in my street, nor the streets around us. But at 7 am we could hear the "oh so quite" garbage men coming up the street. So it was running out into the street in my jocks carting along 2 wheelie bins, waving down the garbos and giving them the kind of fucked up smile/smirk/embarrassed look that anyone in their undies at 7 am would give a garbage man. Awful I tells you, awful. But the worst part was the guy just staring at me like, "I see this everyday but I still think your a wanker for running in the street in your chundies" kind of look. And raising my left hand in a polite gesture was not going to make the situation look better. I was going to scream at him "Im new to the neighborhood!!" but didnt want to attract the attention of the neighbors. So I ate humble pie for breakfast.

So the new house is great but my gazebo was destroyed in the wind the other day. I am upset. I love that gazebo.

In short, I dont have much to say or talk about. Im lacking inspiration for alot of things. Especially because the band is falling apart. Morgan is moving to Wales and Tom could be moving to Sydney. On one hand I am disappointed, because we put so much effort into it. We just had the CD finished which took fucking ages. We recorded at the start of the year and 9 months later we have a finished product. It really is like being in a relationship. Good times, bad times, hard times, not so hard times. Just lots of times really. On the other hand I am happy to let it go and try something new. The thought of starting a new band is pretty exciting. I dont think I will ever stop making music, I just need more time to do it and more people to do it with.
We are putting together a Wiseflys line up for a gig in December. Its going to be pretty damn awesome. Check out the link and listen to the great classic hits like "shit on my dick"
The band is going to be pretty huge, about 8 or more people. Ill be playing keyboards, short shorts and percussion bits and pieces.

Tonight I mite just go to Bunnings to get stuff to fix the gazebo. I hate that place. I thought I would love it but no. Its like DIY IKEA. Once your in, you cant find what you need and have to walk through the whole fucking place to find it. In the mean time you have asked 3 work experience kids, a retarded guy they hired because they felt bad and a woman who couldnt get a screw even if she knew wich aisle they are in. (oh that was bad, please forgive me) The only good thing about is the sausage sizzles. Speaking of IKEA, Jasmine and I got some stuff from there last week. So much useless shit but your are forced to walk past it all and pretend like its really nice. While couples argue over what looks better and where to put it, I pretend I am in a different world. My thoughts sound like "la la lal lala al ala la la la trunda lala lala" with a back ground noise similar to centrelink. I had such a rush from visiting IKEA I managed to put the stuff together in record timing. I was fucking proud, Jasmine even said "you could get a job at IKEA!" I thought about for at least .03 seconds and being over .05 b.a.c I decided quickly but quietly against it. The sweet poetry of my life.

keep it gangsta.

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